Evoked potentials – EP

Evoked potentials – EP

Evoked potentials are a precise method that allows us to gain a deeper understanding of your nervous system.

Our expert team of neurologists and technicians use the latest technology to ensure the most accurate and reliable results.

EPs are diagnostic tests used to examine the function of the sensory and sensory systems and their supporting structures.

Evoked potentials are a precise method that allows us to gain a deeper understanding of your nervous system.

Our expert team of neurologists and technicians use the latest technology to ensure the most accurate and reliable results.

What are evoked potentials (EPs)?

Evoked potentials (EP) are diagnostic tests used to examine the function of sensory and sensory systems and their supporting structures.

Depending on which system is being tested, the appropriate stimulus is applied. Light is used to test the visual system, sound is used to test the acoustic system, electrical or mechanical stimulation is used to test the function of the sensory system, and electrical or magnetic stimulation is used to test the function of motor pathways.

The response obtained after some time represents the response of certain structures of the peripheral and central nervous system.

Evocirani potencijali Neuromedic
Evocirani potencijali Neuromedic

What evoked potential tests are there?

  • Visual evoked potentials – VEP
  • Electroretinogram of rods and cones – ERG
  • Acoustic evoked potentials (AEPs)
  • Self-sensitive evoked potentials – SEP
  • Somatosensitive evoked potentials of the trigeminal nerve – trigeminal SEP
  • Vestibular evoked muscle potential – VEMP

Indications for the application of VEP and ERG

  • Diseases of the optic nerve – neuritis nervi optici, which is often encountered as an initial symptom in patients with multiple sclerosis. Clinical signs of optic neuritis are a sudden loss of vision followed by pain in the affected eye or the pain spreads supraorbitally. It is enhanced by moving the eye. Optic neuritis is usually unilateral, and rarely bilateral.
  • Compressive lesions of the optic nerve found in pituitary tumors and craniopharyngiomas.
  • In ophthalmological diseases: refractive anomalies, cataracts, amblyopia, glaucoma, retinopathy, juvenile and senile macular degeneration.
Evocirani potencijali Neuromedic

Acoustic evoked potentials (AEPs)

They are used for hearing disorders, weakened or lost hearing, ringing in the ears, dizziness-peripheral vertigo.

They serve to test the function of the peripheral and central part of the acoustic path.

Indications for the use of AEP

  • Diseases of the auditory nerve
  • Tumors and vascular lesions of the brain stem
  • Peripheral and central vertigo
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Brain injuries
  • Comatose states
  • Certifying brain death

Self-Sensitive Evoked Potentials (SEPs)

This evoked potential test is used to examine the function of the sensory system from the peripheral nerve to the sensory cortex in the brain.

By stimulating the peripheral nerves of the hands, legs and face with an electrical stimulus, after averaging the stimulus in a certain frequency range, responses are registered in certain places of the extremities, spinal cord and brain.

Indications for the application of SEP:

  • Damage to peripheral nerves and radix
  • Lesions of the spinal cord in the cervical and thoracic region
  • Cervical myelopathy (for disc herniation in the cervical spine)
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neuropathies
  • Syringomyelia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebrovascular diseases

The examination is carried out by a neurologist – neurophysiologist as well as a medical technician specially trained for this type of examination, with the help of an apparatus.

There are no absolute contraindications for the application of the mentioned recording. The method is painless and takes 30 to 60 minutes.

Evoked Potentials (EP)

In addition to the mentioned tests in the Neuromedic polyclinic, somatosensitive evoked potentials of the trigeminal nerve – trigeminal SEP, then vestibular evoked muscle potential – VEMP are used to test the function of the vestibular nerve. It is most often used for peripheral and central vertigo.

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