Ultrasound and color doppler diagnostics

Ultrasound and color doppler diagnostics

Ultrasound diagnostics is a very modern and widespread procedure, which can be used to diagnose various diseases in a fast, painless and completely harmless way, without the use of harmful ionizing radiation.

Due to its accessibility and safety, examinations can be repeated several times for the purpose of timely diagnosis and monitoring the effects of therapy for various diseases.

Ultrasound examination is a quick and painless way of diagnosing various diseases

Ultrasound diagnostics is a very modern and widespread procedure, which can be used to diagnose various diseases in a fast, painless and completely harmless way, without the use of harmful ionizing radiation.

Due to its accessibility and safety, examinations can be repeated several times for the purpose of timely diagnosis and monitoring the effects of therapy for various diseases.

What is Ultrasound and Color Doppler?

Ultrasound (ultrasonography) is a diagnostic technique that uses high-frequency sound waves, beyond human hearing, to create images of the body’s internal structures. When these sound waves bounce off tissues or organs inside the body, the ultrasound machine converts them into images that a doctor can use for analysis. Ultrasound is often used to examine pregnant women to monitor fetal growth, but it is also used in various medical disciplines, including cardiology, gastroenterology, gynecology, and others, to diagnose various problems or diseases.

Color Doppler (or Doppler ultrasound) is a special type of ultrasound examination that allows the visualization of blood flow in blood vessels and evaluates the speed of that flow. This technique uses the Doppler effect, which occurs when sound waves reflect off moving red blood cells. Color Doppler imaging adds color to the ultrasound image to clearly show blood movement: blue is used to show blood moving toward the ultrasound probe (called “downstream flow”), while red is used for blood moving away from the probe ( the so-called “upstream flow”). This technique is essential for the diagnosis of vascular diseases, as well as for monitoring blood flow in various organs and tissues of the body.

Ultrazvuk kolor dopler Neuromedic
Ultrazvuk kolor dopler Neuromedic

Ultrasound and color doppler examinations at the NEUROMEDIC polyclinic

  • Heart
  • Breasts
  • Thyroid glands
  • Abdomen and small pelvis
  • Soft tissues of the neck
  • Muscles and tendons
  • Joints
  • Abdominal aorta
  • Arteries and veins
  • Pelvic arteries and veins
  • Arteries and veins of the upper and lower extremities
  • Main blood vessels of the neck

Color Doppler ultrasound examinations

You can do the recording every working day with a prior appointment by phone
018/249249 and 064/1432066
or make an appointment online using our form.

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