Robots in physical medicine and neurorehabilitation
In the NEUROMEDIC Polyclinic, in addition to other models of robots, the latest knee, shoulder and hip rehabilitation devices, known as ARTROMOT, manufactured by a renowned American company of the latest generation, have been implemented. These sophisticated devices are intended for the rehabilitation of injured or diseased knees, shoulders and hip joints, as well as post-operative treatments after operations on these joints.
Until now, standard physical therapy and therapist-supervised exercises have been the main method of recovery. However, in the light of rapid technological advances, the therapeutic approach for restoring joint mobility has been significantly improved by the use of special ARTROMOT devices, which enable continuous passive movements of the joint.
Passive movements are precise and repetitive, performed in all directions, and are recommended to be performed at least half an hour daily. This therapy is feasible thanks to the highly advanced Artromot robots that enable controlled and individualized treatments.

The goal of ARTROMOT robot therapy
- pain reduction
- reduction of swelling
- improvement of joint metabolism
- prevention of knee and shoulder joint stiffness
- improvement of regeneration and health of cartilage and damaged ligaments
- faster resorption of hematoma (fluid)
- improvement of lymphatic and blood circulation
- prophylaxis of thrombosis and embolism
- improving movement in the knee, shoulder and hip
- prevention of joint stiffness (contracture), treatment of old contractures
- restoring full functionality of the joint
- shortening the length of recovery and rehabilitation
- meeting the formation of adhesions
- Knee, shoulder and hip rehabilitation immediately after surgical interventions
- Rehabilitation of a patient with degenerative changes in the knee, shoulder and hip
- Rehabilitation of a patient with knee, shoulder and hip contracture
- Rehabilitation of patients after post-traumatic conditions and sports injuries of knees, shoulders and hips
- Rehabilitation of a patient with old degenerative changes in the shoulders, hips and knees
- Rehabilitation of a patient with shoulder, knee and hip contracture
- Rehabilitation of a patient with “frozen shoulder” syndrome
- Rehabilitation of patients after post-traumatic conditions and sports injuries of shoulders, knees and hips
- Shoulder and knee rehabilitation immediately after arthroscopic surgery

Why a robot machine?
No human can rehabilitate the joint so precisely in all movements for at least 30 minutes, synchronization of different movements in the joint is not possible, nor the precision of the angle, only a robot machine can do that under the supervision of our physiatrist and professional physiotherapists.
It was emphasized that it is important to start therapy as early as possible in order to increase the range of motion and prevent the formation of adhesions in the soft tissues, thereby eliminating the risk of permanent limitation of joint mobility. Polyclinic NEUROMEDIC provides the latest and most effective methods of rehabilitation in order for patients to achieve an optimal state of health.